What's in my Camera Bag (w/ DigitalRev Style Street Photography)
photo.jchoi.ca Watch Emma describe the contents of James's camera bag. Then Emma walks through the streets of Vancouver to show you how she does street photography... DigitalRev TV Style (without voice-overs, music, or fancy effects). This was an entry in to the DigitalRev's "What's in my camera bag" contest, and this is the equipment that someone would find in one of our camera bags. Normally, the camera would be in hand... and not actually in the bag. The equipment Emma show cases in this video are some of the gear we use for a variety of projects. Watch the follow up video How to clean your camera lens. See the equipment I used to take this video at: lastphotographer.blogspot.com *note: this video won the "Most Distractive Element" award. I guess those nice lenses were very distracting.