Panning Photography Video Tutorial - How to Capture Motion Shooting Moving Subjects
Panning is a photography technique that plays on the in-camera motion blur. We all know what happens when you let your shutters drop too low while shooting moving objects. You get a blurry, less-than-sharp image capturing the movement in a still frame. Now imagine shooting the same moving subject at a low shutter, but instead of holding the camera still in one place, you move the camera along with the subject, following the moving subject so that the subject remains in the exact same part of the frame the entire time that the shutter is open. You get a relatively crisp subject, with a dynamic, moving, blurry background. This is what photographers call panning photography. This past week, we thought we would create a nice little video tutorial on how to shoot panning photography. Of course, we felt like we needed to do it SLR Lounge style. As always, you will have to watch the video to find out exactly what that means.